Peticija za uvodjenje dozivotne kazne zatvora povodom svirepog ubistva studenta Miloša Mileusnića

Miki_1.jpgStravično ubistvo studenta Miloša Mileusnića dogodilo se 27 Januara 2019. godine u ulici Dimitrija Tucovića 20 A, ispred ulaza zgrade u kojoj je stanovao. Motiv ovog svirepog ubistva je bizaran i potresao je celu Srbiju. Nedjeljko Djurovic - ubica, je izašao na ulice Beograda sa namerom da izvrši krvavi pir i oduzme nečiji zivot. Miloš Mileusnić je bio prva osoba na ulici na koju je ubica naišao i izgubio je život bez ikakvog povoda. Ubica i Miloš se, pre ovog brutalnog dogadjaja, nisu poznavali niti ikada sreli. Taj prvi i poslednji susret je bio tragičan za našeg drugara Miloša Mileusnića. Ovaj stravičan dogadjaj ne sme ostati nezapamćen i zato apelujemo na sve ljude zdravog razuma da potpišu peticiju kako bi ubica dobio drakonsku kaznu a svaki potencijalni slučaj ovakvog tipa bio sprecen. 

Kako bi peticija bila uspešno potpisana, neophodno je uneti lične podatke a zatim potvrditi potpis putem linka koji Vam je dostavljen na E-mail adresu! 

Ljubazno molimo sve potpisnike peticije da ni slučajno ne kreiraju atmosferu linča i poziva na nasilje već da peticiju podrze validnim argumentima. U osnovi ove peticije je iskljucivo poziv nadležnim institucijama da adekvatno sankcionišu ovaj svirepi zločin!

Moderatori ove peticije se javno ogradjuju od bilo kakvog vida individualnog ili kolektivnog poziva na nasilje!

Svaki potpisnik peticije je svojim imenom, prezimenom i potpisom odgovoran za sadržinu komentara.

Svaka zloupotreba peticije će biti prijavljena istog momenta.

Hvala na razumevanju!

                                    ***For English version, please see below***


The gruesome murder of student Miloš Mileusnić occurred on January 27, 2019 in the street of Dimitrija Tucovića 20 A, in front of the entrance of the building where Milos lived in Belgrade, Serbia. The motive for this brutal murder is bizarre and shook the whole of Serbia. Nedjeljko Djurovic, a murderer, went to the streets of Belgrade with the intention of making a bloody feast and taking away one's life. Milos Mileusnić was the first person on the street that the killer had encountered and lost his life without any reason. The killer and Milos, before this brutal event, had never met. This first and last meeting was tragic for our friend Milos Mileusnic. This horrible event must not remain unnoticed. Therefore, we appeal to all people of sound reason to sign a petition so that the killer gets a draconian punishment as well as that any potential case of this type gets prevented.

In order for the petition to be successfully signed, you are required to fill in your personal details and consequently confirm your signature through the link that is sent to your E-mail address. 

We kindly ask all petitioners not to create an atmosphere of lynching and calling for violence, but to support the petition with valid arguments. The aim of this petition is by no means to seek revenge! Rather, at the heart of this petition is to exclusively call the competent institutions to adequately sanction this cruel crime!

The moderators of this petition are publicly fenced off from any kind of individual or collective call to violence!

Each signatory of the petition is held responsible for the content of the comments by his name, surname and signature.

Any abuse of the petition will be reported at the same time.

Thank you for understanding!