Kaštela za Cippico


Dovršetak i stavljanje u funkciju, a ne rušenje Kule Cippico u Kaštel Novom je interes Grada Kaštela, kaštelanskog turizma i zaštite baštine. Projekt koji se od prvog dana i u svim fazama dovodi u pitanje predstavlja nešto najvrjednije što se Kaštelima dogodilo u zadnjih 20 godina.

Povjest problema Projekta Cippico je primjer za školske udžbenike ometanja investicije i destrukcije projekta. Nezavisna i stručna ekspertiza svih nesporazuma od samih početaka bi zasigurno dala odgovor premijeru i vladi zašto je hrvatska nekonkurentna, zašto nas investicije zaobilaze i zašto gospodarstvo i turizam stagniraju! Umjesto da projekt Cippico posluži kao poticaj promjeni uzroka tog stanja odgovorni upućuju bagere i mehanizaciju misleći da time rješavaju probleme. Nisu ga riješili ni u Rogoznici pa neće ni u Kaštelima.

Projekt Cippico zbog svog značaja za kaštelanski turizam umjesto nastavka destrukcije zaslužuje dodatni napor svih odgovornih uključujući državne institucije i konzervatore u pronalasku izlaza iz stanja koje nije dobro niti može donijeti nešto dobro.

Pridruži nam se i daj svoju podršku.
NE rušenju - DA nastavku gradnje!

The completion and putting into operation and not the demolition of Cippico Tower in kaštel Novi in the interest of kaštela, tourism in kaštela and heritage protection. The project, which is from the first day in all phases called into question is the most valuable asset kaštela has today and for the last 20 years. The history of the problems related to Project Cippico is an example for the textbooks relative to disruption and destruction of investment projects. Independent and professional expertise for all misunderstandings from the very beginning would certainly give answer to the Prime Minister and the government why Croatia is not competitive, and why investment, the economy and tourism is stagnating! Instead of destruction the project Cippico should serve as an incentive to change the causes of this condition and not to suggest that the bringing of bulldozers and machinery could solve these problems better. It is proven in Rogoznica that the problems were not solved by these methods and will not certainly in the kaštela. Project Cippico, because of its importance for tourism in kaštela instead of the continuing destruction deserves an extra effort of all those responsible, including governmental institutions and conservators in finding a way out of this dreadful situation that could bring more good to the struggling situation here.

Join us and give us your support . NO to demolition - YES to continuing construction and completion